WFIWFC – Welded Stainless Steel Filters – Welding End Connections (14 bar)

WFIWFC welded stainless steel filter housings have been specifically developed for filtration of compressed air as well as many other gases (for list of suitable gasses please contact us or your local dealer) where the risk for corrosion is very high or where stainless steel housing is required.

Technical Data:

Click HERE to see all WFIWFC Filter Elements.

Please call us on +353 18464303 for quotation and queries.

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.


WFIWFC welded stainless steel filter housings have been specifically developed for filtration of compressed air as well as many other gases (for list of suitable gasses please contact us or your local dealer) where the risk for corrosion is very high or where stainless steel housing is required. To meet the required gas quality appropriate filter element must be installed into filter housing.

Technical Data:

Filter Housing Size Pipe Size Oper. Pressure Flow Rate at 7 bar (g), 20 ºC Dimensions  Mass
DN bar Nm³/h scfm A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (inch)
WFIWFC 005 13,5 16 75 44 202 116 76.1 1/2 1,7
WFIWFC 010 14,2 16 150 88 230 125 76.1 1/2 1,9
WFIWFC 018 21,3 16 225 132 254 125 76.1 1/2 2
WFIWFC 030 26,9 16 315 185 275 136 88.9 1/2 2,6
WFIWFC 047 33,7 16 420 247 337 155 88.9 1/2 3
WFIWFC 070 48,3 16 600 353 386 180 114.3 1/2 4,3
WFIWFC 094 60,3 16 900 530 457 180 114.3 1/2 4,8
WFIWFC 150 60,3 16 1,260 742 583 180 114.3 1/2 5,3
WFIWFC 175 76,1 16 1,680 989 740 224 139.7 1/2 9
WFIWFC 200 88,9 12 2,400 1,413 1004 224 139.7 1/2 10,8
WFIWFC 240 88,9 12 3,600 2,119 1029 252 168.3 1/2 16,2

Correction Factors:

Operating pressure [bar] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Operating pressure [psi] 29 44 58 72 87 100 115 130 145 160 174 189 203 218 232
Correction factor 0.38 0.5 0.63 0.75 0.88 1 1.13 1.25 1.38 1.5 1.63 1.75 1.88 2 2.13

Filter Elements:

Filter Element Type Flow Rate (Nm³/h) Filter Housing
0310 75 WFIWFC 005
0420 150 WFIWFC 010
0520 225 WFIWFC 018
0525 315 WFIWFC 030
0725 420 WFIWFC 047
0730 600 WFIWFC 070
1030 900 WFIWFC 094
1530 1,260 WFIWFC 150
2030 1,680 WFIWFC 175
3030 2,400 WFIWFC 200
3050 3,600 WFIWFC 240

Condensate Drains:

Manual Condensate Drain






Differential Pressure Indicator:






Nipple M
Nipple L
Nipple 20SS

Additional information

Pipe Size & Flow Rate

13,5 DN, 44 scfm, 14,2 DN, 88 scfm, 21,3 DN,132 scfm, 26,9 DN,185 scfm, 33,7 DN, 247 scfm, 48,3 DN, 353 scfm, 60,3 DN, 530 scfm, 60,3 DN, 742 scfm, 76,1 DN, 989 scfm, 88,9 DN, 1413 scfm, 88,9 DN, 2119 scfm

Filter Element

PN (25 ; 5 micron), PI (20 ; 1 micron), PIW (20 ; 1 micron), PP (3 micron), PR (1 micron), PM (0,1 micron), PS (0,01 micron), PA (Activated Carbon), PCKL (Separator), Housing Only